Guild of Investment Managers
How we are organised
The Guild was formed in 2015 by a group of investment managers to combine the benefits of a modern, diverse and dynamic networking organisation with the traditions of the livery world. It aims to become a full Livery Company in its own right in due course.
As with other Guilds and Livery Companies, the strategic direction of the Guild lies with its Court, comprising Master, Wardens, Past Masters and Court Assistants. The Master is supported by three Wardens: Upper Warden, Middle Warden and Junior Warden. The Master and Wardens are elected annually as are Court Assistants when there is vacancy.
The Guild has several key committees detailed below to assist with specific activities and a Founding Clerk who deals not only with the day-to-day administration of the Guild but also provides continuity and expert advice on Guild procedures and City traditions.

Our list of committees and responsibilities
Chair: Roberta Sanminiatelli
Deputy Chair: Dr Luda Svystunova
Committee Members: Megan McCracken, Rodney Chau, Veronique Morel, Michelle Augur and Jock Glover.
About: The Education Committee is responsible with the Events Committee for planning and organizing educational events of the Guild and ensuring that the events achieve their strategic goal. The Education Committee is also responsible for creating and curating investment management material that is helpful and a source of interest to members.
Co-Chair: Rob Greenway
Committee Members: Fyona Knight, Camilla McKane, Dr Luda Svystunova, Faye Ye, Paul Emery, John Fiddes and Andrea Di Lena.
Public Relations & Communications Leads: Jeannie Dumas and Julian Samways
About: The Events Committee is responsible for planning and organising events both for existing members and also to attract new members to the Guild. We aim to host a diverse range of events with something to suit everyone. Typically in a year we will host formal dinners in different livery halls, have social activities in the city and have lively discussions on the latest industry specific topics.
Chair: Andrew Bell
Deputy Chair: Leigh Middleton-Ross
Committee Members: Tarandeep Panesar, Chris Timms and Daphne Morgan.
About: The Finance Committee is responsible for preparing and reviewing the financial accounts for the Guild, arranging for them to be independently checked and recommending them to the Court for approval. It prepares the annual Budget (drawn up in conjunction with the following year’s Master) and monitors income and expenditure relative to plans. It makes suggestions and recommendations relating to financial matters to the Court. In time, as the Guild’s level of funds reaches a level where there is a material established surplus, it will make proposals to the Court regarding investment policy.
Chair: Alderman Simon Pryke
Deputy Chair: Tim Guinness (will succeed Simon as Committee chair in 2025).
Committee Members: Deputy Henry Pollard CC, Marina Tesauro, Roberta Sanminiatelli, Fabian Richter, Boris Mikhailov and Emmanuel Artusa.
About: The Membership Committee meets in person quarterly, and considers applications for membership every month, communicating over email. Applicants without a proposer and/or seconder are met by one of the Committee, who then makes a recommendation. Events remain the best opportunity to invite potential members as guests to introduce to the Guild. The Committee is keen to set up a sub-group focused on members U35, to collaborate on events with U35 groups at other livery companies and guilds.
Lead: Bev Shah
Representative: Henry Pollard
About: The Financial Services Group of Companies (FSG), which was formed over a decade ago, is a group of the modern Livery companies representing sectors we associate with the evolving City of today. There are some 15 member companies, who look to promote ourselves within our membership, the City civic and more broadly across the City. The FSG provides an annual report for use by the Lord Mayor, Sheriffs and Chairman of Policy at the City of London Corporation which highlights our various industry successes, but also the various challenges, which helps in their advocacy for the City. The speechwriters and press thereby have the facts and figures from an authoritative source.
The FSG includes the: Actuaries, Arbitrators, Chartered Accountants, Chartered Secretaries, Chartered Surveyors, City Solicitors, Information Technologists, Insurers, International Bankers, Management Consultants, Tax Advisers, World Traders and Communicators.
RAF Affiliation Lead: Phil Clark and Matthew Cox
Royal Navy Affiliation Lead: Henry Pollard
About: Affiliations between the Armed Services and the Livery Companies are formed to provide support and appreciation for His Majesty’s Armed Forces as they guard and protect us. There is much inter-action between Companies and Affiliates such as the granting of awards, exchange of visits, joint activities and dinner guest attendances. Welfare grants are often made by Company charitable funds.
The City of London Livery Companies have a particularly close and long-standing relationship with the Armed Forces of the Crown, that has lasted for generations and continues to flourish today. There are over 400 military affiliations across 111 Livery Companies. The Livery Companies have a vital, and much appreciated, role in supporting numerous regiments, ships, shore establishments, air stations and units in the Royal Navy, Army, Royal Marines and Royal Air Force. Where there is an obvious trade, craft or professional relationship between the Livery Company and their associated military units the relationship will often extend to career mentorship, training, examination and awards for excellence presented by the Livery to serving members of HM Forces.
The Guild has formed affiliations with Royal Air Force Squadron 6 Flying Training School and Royal Navy 845 Air Squadron.
Guild of Investment Managers